On job interviews

Here are some lessons learned after dozens of job interviews directed towards recruiters.

Avoid questions that are just a Google search away.

Steer clear of mind-reading games.
Most problem-solving questions can be approached from multiple angles.
Avoid asking open-ended questions and expecting specific preferred answers.

Don't ask gotcha questions.
Example: "How X works internally?" where X is niche topic outside of common knowledge given the position you are recruiting for.
I think candidate you are interviewing can also got you on as many questions as she/he wants too.

Avoid forming questions with a predetermined answer in mind.
Again mind-reading games. Instead, ask questions that encourage further discussion on technical topics.

Refrain from asking about technical implementation details without specific context
Example: "How would you setup X in general?" or "What technology would you use for Y." The answers to these questions heavily depend on the context, leading to more questions rather than providing clear answers.

Sandro Rybarik